When I was working as a copywriter at BBDO, I was given the task to create an idea of a commercial for the major Russian telecom provider, in which two completely different benefits had to be equally in focus: the speed of the Internet and its amount. They got what they asked for.

My role: idea developing, wording, script writing, participation in production- and post-production processes, radio spot.

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6-sec digital pre-roll was a logical continuation of the commercial:

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The radio spot told the story of the cat:
The text of the spot:

This afternoon, the cat Timofey was flying in his sleep. He dreamed that the owner connected to Megafon and Dom.ru, and a stream of high-speed Internet lifted him into the air. Of course, this was just a dream. But the fact remains. When simultaneously connecting to Megafon and Dom.ru, you get twice as much high-speed Internet. And everything flies.
And of course the cat became the hero of the outdoor print:
* Double the high speed internet with Megafon and Dom.ru
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